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Pernah dong ya ngerasa malu?

Hehe, yup. For today saya mau share tentang beberapa Ekspresi yang kita gunakan ketika kita merasa malu.
Apa aja sih kosa kata nya?

Yuk intip?

I am embarrassed (aku malu)
I feel ashamed (aku merasa malu)
Shame on me (malunya aku)
I feel awkward (aku merasa malu/ kikuk/ canggung)
What a shame (betapa malu nya)
I was so ashamed (aku sangat malu)
It really makes me ashamed ( ini/itu benar2 membuat ku malu)

Now see the examples:

Udin : "what happen to your face ?"
Neneng : "I feel ashamed"
Udin : "what's wrong?"
Neneng : "I was heading to my class, I slipped, because I didn't see there were wet floors and everyone who was inside the class peek out and laughing at me"
Udin : "you must be very ashamed"

Alright guys.
See you for the next tips yah.
Keep on learning ^_^

By dokter yunita

Klinik Inggris RR